Monday, August 2, 2010

New Investigator and Fishing Anyone?

Hi Linda,

So Elder Slade's birthday is coming up soon about a couple of weeks. I haven’t planned anything out just yet. But, I will try to do something soon. Maybe I can get him some ice cream or something. Do you have any suggestions for me? Maybe I'll make him pulla. By the way, I am sending you the recipe for that. It will get there in about a week.

I did get your package this past week. It was really sweet that I got the gum I asked for and also the shirts were much appreciated. I've already started using them. For some reason
Finland has been especially HOT this past month. All the people say at the doors is either "It's too hot” and “go away" or “come on in...” I've been trying to stay cool though. Another thing about the weather was that this past week, we had a huge storm. We had like a bazillion trees fall over. No one got hurt, but a couple of houses had some trees fall on them. It was the only thing I heard from the members for a couple of days. lol. Crazy weather! The rest of the story goes that there was a huge city celebration at midnight with fireworks and all. And at the end of it, this huge storm all of a sudden whisked up. It was almost like the perfect lightning storm finally....

Hmm, lately we've had a little success with a new investigator. Her name is “E”. She is about mid 20's. I'm not quite sure what it is, but she is just a little different. Luckily though, she really wanted to know some stuff about the gospel and so now we are teaching her. She has already progressed faster than our other investigator “P”. I told you about him last time, I think. But she is quite easy to work with. So it's really a lucky thing we were able to find her. I'll tell you more about her later when I get a chance to write more.
Wow, does President Brown usually write you about what we are doing? I didn't think so, but that is cool. Yes we are currently trying to turn around the missionary work here in Savonlinna. It has had such a down turn for so long we are trying to boost the members faith, which really means we NEED a baptism here and soon. As for Elder Bailey I hadn't heard anything, but I will pray for him. Hope he turns out all right. (Pres Brown sent us a letter indicated Trevor had been in the mission for a year and that he and his companion were working hard in Savonlinna. Elder Bailey had a burst lung after he arrived home from his mission and has been in the hospital for about a week.)

Well, I need to go. But I'll keep the family in my prayers. Nathan's finger and Steven’s shoulder... thanks for the emails. I love you all and will talk to you next week. Love Trev

PS I'll try this week to find a license and pole for fishing. If it’s a lot, then I probably won't do it. But maybe fishing won't be so expensive. So hold off on the pole for a little while. Thanks though anyways.

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