Tuesday, August 31, 2010

8/31/10 Refreshing my French ???

Dear Family,

Well, It has been another exciting week then in Logan.... what with Allens coming down and Jason's games and also Emily's farewell. So Nathan, how are your fingers doing? I thought you werent' supposed to do anything really strenuous.... like wakeboarding. Seems like you could re-injure them doing that. I thought I would let you know that I'm still working on a letter for Jason and I've just been a little busy this week. I shouldn't be as busy this week but we will see. lol .....things always seem to come up.

So as for me, I have been doing good this week. Lots of good things happening here in Savonlinna. First of all, we have been finding more people on the streets and at doors to teach. Good possible investigators. For example, there is a congo french speaking guy that we gave a Book of Mormon to about a month ago, and he is about half way through. Best of all we asked him if he thought it was true and he said yes. Now we just need some stuff in French to be able to teach him. .....by the way could you look up the verb ( to pray) on the internet for me in French. I can remember some of my French but its really rusty.

Secondly we met a lady, when we were both trapped by a huge rain storm, who really wanted to know about our message of families. Its just going great. Unfortunately there is some bad news. "M" has been sick for the past week and so she didn't come to church and she has to have her baptisimal date postponed. But not to fear, I believe she will go in a week or two... also the ward is really supportive here.

Well, thanks for letting me know about Logan. ...and also thanks for going down to Emily's farewell. BTW, how did you like Emily's parents and family? I just am curious... ok well I'll let you know what happens this next week. Oh and would you try looking into my checking account. I don't have a valid VISA card for that account. Maybe go into the bank and ask them about it. Nathan has full access to my stuff so he can do what ever he needs to. He just has to go into the bank to do it I think. ...thanks.

Oh and this week is Elder Slade's birthday, so I'm making him that chocolate cake recipe Mom sent me. Thanks for the emails....I love you all and wish I could tell you more, but I've got to go so bye,


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