Monday, September 28, 2009

"Aikoa Suomi" -- Going to Finland

Dear Family,

So this past weeks has been about like the others, not a whole lot of change here at the MTC. However, I have been learning quite a bit of Finnish. I am sending you my Finnish book that I won't be using anymore. It's not very good, but I put some stuff in it to help you learn a little more about Finnish. I want to send you a tape of Finnish. The words sound very different than they are written.

My orthodontist appt went well. It was just a re-gluing of my permanent retainer. It shouldn't cost a lot, I would think. If it does, I apologize. I'm sorry for being more of a problem out in the mission field than at home. (The office lady that called for our insurance information informed me (Linda) that Trevor looked very good and was doing great. But, she wouldn't let me talk to him on the phone. Rats!)

I'm supposed to leave a week from Monday! Oh and there are no rules about calling people at the airport. So this Friday when I get my flight plans, I will tell you when I will be calling you. I should have some layovers on the East coast or in Europe as well. I will only be able to email one more time before I leave and I don't know when I will be able to email you from Finland.

The temple was sweet today. I did some sealings as a child & was a witness for several proxy marriages. Um, the sealer made sure we paid attention to what he was saying. (lol) Little did he know, but I really did want to pay attention so I could understand what happened in a sealing the way, you and dad should go do a sealing session again. It was very cool.

I think I may be beginning to be a little homesick...Don't send stuff though. I really just want letters from everyone! I would really like a tape recorder so I can hear everyone's voices.

Bye, Trevor

P.S. Tell Jason "good luck" in golf this week.

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